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Lead Generation and Enrichment for SMBs: AI Powered campaigns

Updated: Jul 20

I created this for my SMB clients who don’t need as many tools to get a campaign up and running.

I just launched a campaign targeting Chambers of Commerce’s in Canada for our AI Webinars using this workflow and got it up and running within a few hours.

I was able to use AI Agents and Scrapers- Apify to find the contact information for every Chamber of Commerce in Canada.

I was able to compare the data from 3 different sources and pull them all together using Clay.

I pumped that into a table in Clay and used enrichments to pull the contact information I needed from the website.

We sent that to an email campaign via Smartlead and LinkedIn campaign using .

You don’t need 100 tools or an entire marketing team to launch an AI powered campaign for your SMB. You just need the right tools and partners to put it together. The rest is easy.

These Lead Generation and enrichment workflows can make finding and connecting with potential users and customers a breeze.

I don’t think I missed anything I used to create this campaign but If you want to see a full walkthrough, be sure to check out the video where I run through all the steps. I included everything I needed to build and launch this campaign.

I used Loom to make the video and I like how simple and intuitive it is. It also comes with some handy AI tools to help with captions and creating transcripts directly from the video.

Here is a complete list of all the tools I used to build this campaign.

Clay – The glue that makes everything work

LinkedIN Navigator – B2B Database and Network

Apify- Data Scraper  

Expandi – Linkedin Engagement

Smartlead AI – Email outreach and sequences

Canva- AI design tool for creating content

Wix – Website and landing page

Loom- screen capture and demo videos.


For this campaign I didn’t need to drill down into personas as I am reaching out to the general inbox but I can easily pull contacts from the organization.

Trying to pull contacts for Chambers of Commerce’s is not a simple endeavour and we used a few different tools to get our starting lists of Organizations.

If you wanted to run through a walkthrough of this workflow don’t hesitate to reach out.

I would be happy to help you build out your initial lists and figure out an engagement strategy.

I wanted to throw the stats in from this campaign which I am pretty happy with. Just need to fine tune a few things.

Here is the Loom AI Summary of the Video.

Outline: Lead Generation and Enrichment Workflow for SMBs - Spinning Up a New Campaign
  1. Defining Campaign Objectives

  • Focus on AI webinars for this demo.

  • Prepare materials like flyers, videos, landing pages in advance.

  1. Defining the Audience

  • Targeting Chambers of Commerce for AI webinars.

  • Using tools like Clay, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, and Appify for audience research.

  1. Engagement Channels

  • Choosing between LinkedIn, email, and Google for outreach.

  • Using Smart Lead AI, Clay, LinkedIn, Xpandi, and Loom for outreach and engagement.

  1. Nurturing Leads

  • Recognizing the importance of nurturing leads.

  • Utilizing tools like Canva, SalesNav, and Clay for ongoing engagement and follow-ups.

  • Setting up automated workflows with Clay to stay on top of leads and changes in accounts.

  1. Conclusion

  • Posting the workflow to a blog and LinkedIn for further engagement.

Link to Loom


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